lördag 24 oktober 2009

Thoughts and such...

So now i've been away from sweden about two months, i miss my friends and my mom a lot. like everyday. my dear partner has been away this month so i've been feeling quite lonely in a way.

no one to talk with really except for my own thoughts. there are people around me off and on, i'm really happy i'm getting to know some people in my age around the block, they seem to be good people and once in a while i get to laugh aswell. cute boys, hee hee.

i don't know why but recently or some weeks back i started to think about what if i end up here alone... what if i go back to sweden and find all my friends married and with children... i haven't really thought about getting a family before, not that serious atleast, but now somehow im kind of wishing for it. this country has some potential men(ho ho ho) but is there anyone who could accept my way of living, my way of thinking? it is a difference between sweden and asian living, tradition, thinking.

wah wah... i love you and miss you my dear friends. pay a visit goddamnit. hehe

onsdag 21 oktober 2009

pics from mooncake festival

im always late with publishing my news from here it seems. here are some pictures from the mooncake festival on carpenter street (just where i live at the moment). This mooncake thingy started on the 29th september and went on for 5 days... i always have the same problem when uploading my pics, they end up in reverse order, but i really dont have the energy editing now.... hehe.
so hows sweden? cold? here its something about 30 degrees and it hasnt rained proparly for about a week now, i want rain!

the younger generation also had som performance



the malay-section



the minister was also there


carpenter street

torsdag 15 oktober 2009

Sa satt man i natten pa nat datahak med grannpojkarna. Jag borjar bli sjukt trott men det ar ok. Hade jag vetat hade jag tagit med min egna dator och passat pa att lagga upp lite bilder pa bloggen.

da pojkarna spelar sa passar jag pa att beratta om min dag eller nat... hehe
jag snoozade ungefar till lunch, klev upp o drack en kopp kaffe innan jag ringde efter taxi som skulle kora mig till ett omrade som kallas satok, dar letade jag upp en affar vid namnet technographic dar jag gjorde en order pa ett tryck som jag ska hamta nu pa lordag. det ar ett tryck till dekon i min byggnad... efter det satte jag mig i taxin och akte till tribal remedy for massage. hej o ha vad ont och skont man kan ha samtidigt. tog en timmes fotmassage, en timmes kroppsmassage med reflexologi pa det. jag ville typ stanna dar och sova efterat. sa skont!

sen akte jag tillbaks till mina kvarter dar jag styrde stegen hemat for att hamta upp en bok och satta mig langre ner pa gatan med en kaffe o lasa. idag fanns inga tankar pa att jobba, men annat blir det imorn... planen ar att vakna tidigt, upp o kaka frulle, dvs nudlar, sjukt goda sadana. o jobba jobba jobba.

hej o ha, jag ser dubbelt nu. rokpaus.

puss puss jag saknar er!

tisdag 13 oktober 2009

shopping and paint

my beautiful street at day time...

out shopping at hardware store
doors, knobs....

ordering some wood

my brother from sweden also joined

after a day of shopping we had satay

and clam-noodles

time for the first paint. stir stir

r is giving me a lesson in painting

borneo butt :)

i did some work myself...

me sweating away in the new painted room
red it is!

i got the keys

It was about noon when the contract was signed and i got the keys. This was the point of no return. For a bout a week i had been in like a vacuum, not knowing if anything is happening or not.

the shop...


checking out the building

mysterious things in kuching. dead bird in the sky....


The days before signing the contract and getting the keys i spent quite a lot of my time with my partners in crime. All sorts of feeling and thoughts tumbling around in my mind. But these guys always put me in a good mood.

E the chef preparing sandwiches

the day before contract signing we went to
Tribal Remedy

at tribal remedy... :)